While the gallery aesthetic is rooted in the photographic, the program is contemporary and represented artists work in a variety of media. A yearly exhibition program of eight solo and/or group exhibitions is supplemented by the publication of catalogs and artists’ books, with an emphasis on the promotion of emerging Japanese artists.
In addition to the primary exhibition space at complex665 in Roppongi, amanaTIGP focuses on historical exhibitions of pre- and postwar Japanese photography and film work. Since 2018, the gallery has also operated SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery in Hong Kong, which is dedicated to experimental works.

The work presented has been conceived in a space with a square window, similar to some of Ishida’s previous works, such a Burning Chair (2013), Square Window (2015), Where Light Falls (2015), and Between Tableau and Window (2018). Here, however, the experience of engaging with planes and three dimensions in paintings, sculptures, images, and objects is expressed with unprecedented density and new techniques.

©︎ Takashi Ishida, courtesy of Taka Ishii Gallery