YOKO TERAUCHI, Pangaea Red Square Line, 2021. Japanese paper and acrylic paint. Installation view, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, 2021. Photo by ToLoLo. Courtesy Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.

Yoko Terauchi moved to London in the late 1970s to attend Saint Martin’s School of Art and returned to Japan 20 years later. Since then, she has exhibited widely at museums and galleries in Japan and abroad. Terauchi’s practice began during a period of doubt in her study of sculpture, giving rise to works that challenge tenets and values we conventionally set in opposition to each other, such as back and front, inside and outside, and good and evil. By choosing to neither add to nor subtract from a lead plate or sheet of paper—by respecting the form a material takes on its own—Terauchi demonstrates her belief that “there is no opposition in the world.”



  • B2
  • Kiyosumi-Shirakawa

1-13-6 Tokiwa, Koto-ku

Tel. 81-(0)3-6300-5881

Hagiwara Projects was established in Tokyo’s Nishi-Shinjuku district in 2013 and relocated to Koto-ku in 2021. The gallery focuses on emerging and midcareer Japanese and international artists working in painting, sculpture, film, photography, and other mediums. In addition to showing its represented artists, Hagiwara Projects actively contributes to the Japanese art scene by commissioning guest curators to organize thematic exhibitions. The gallery also introduces the work of Japanese artists to a global audience through regular participation in international art fairs.

Hagiwara Projects.