EMILIJA ŠKARNULYTĖ, Still from Sunken Cities, 2021. Video installation, 9 min., 32 sec.

The environmental crisis is a challenge of utmost urgency for the entire world and also an important theme in the current international art scene. How can contemporary art respond to this issue? Comprising four chapters, this exhibition features diverse forms of expression by 35 artists from Japan and abroad—from historical works to new commissions. In addition, the displays have been designed with environmental sustainability in mind, by means such as minimizing the use of transport and reusing and recycling as many resources as possible.

The title “Our Ecology: Toward a Planetary Living” implicitly poses questions about who we, as humans, are and to whom Earth’s environment belongs. The exhibition urges us to consider environmental problems and other issues not only from an anthropocentric perspective but also by looking at Earth’s multiple ecologies from a broader, more comprehensive standpoint, inviting us to consider possible futures together.



  • D8
  • Roppongi

Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 53F
6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku

Tel. 050-5541-8600
  81-(0)47-316-2772 (international)

Crowning the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, the Mori Art Museum is committed to presenting cutting-edge visual arts, architecture, design, and other modes of creative output from around the world. The museum is known for producing groundbreaking monographic exhibitions of important Japanese and international artists, such as Ai Weiwei, Yayoi Kusama, and Takashi Murakami; large-scale thematic surveys covering various topics and geographic regions; and the triennial Roppongi Crossing, which offers an overview of Japanese contemporary art. The museum complements these exhibitions with smaller, more focused programs, such as MAM Collection, which introduces works in the museum’s collection; MAM Screen, which showcases video works; MAM Research, which focuses on exhibiting materials rather than artworks; and MAM Projects, which conducts experimental projects with artists from Japan and beyond.

Pursuing a vision of “Art + Life,” the Mori Art Museum seeks to make contemporary art more accessible to broad audiences. The museum supervises works of public art at Roppongi Hills and Toranomon Hills and organizes art events in collaboration with local communities. The museum is open late six nights a week to enable visitors to enjoy art after work or dinner.

Dining options on-site.

Photo courtesy Mori Art Museum.